
Effective Business Meetups When Launching a New Business in Japan

Hi, my name is Taisei Koshida, and I am a certified public accountant and tax accountant.


I aim to assist non-Japanese business owners who struggle with reading or writing in Japanese. If you find the Japanese tax return system challenging, I can help you with your tax filings.


This blog may help if you are unclear about business meetups in Japan.




When launching a new business, having limited networks and clients can be compensated by attending business meetups and other events. Therefore, I will introduce some business meetups held in Japan.


BNI (Business Networking International)

This originated in the U.S. It has a rule of ‘one person per industry,’ and contributions to the team, such as introducing clients, are monitored. Therefore, results tend to come relatively quickly. It is held weekly for about two hours, starting at seven in the morning. The annual fee is about 200,000 yen. It is only conducted online, without in-person meetings.



Needs Match (ニーズマッチ)

There is no ‘one person per industry’ rule, except for insurance sales. Meetings are held once a month, with an annual fee of around 60,000 yen. Additionally, there’s a 3,000 yen fee for attending the monthly meeting. You can easily attend meetings outside your own branch. Whether meetings are held in-person or online varies by branch.



Shusei Club (守城クラブ)

Meetings are held once a month. A distinct feature is the event where members exchange business cards with everyone present. The membership fee is similar to that of Needs Match.



RINRI Institute of Ethics (倫理法人会)

Meetings take place every week in the morning. It might have a lighter business focus compared to other business meetups.




Our accounting and tax office has been actively assisting foreign business owners in Japan with accounting and tax matters. Also, not only in the tax and accounting field, our office can support your business in Japan in the fields of visa, registration, social insurance, and law by networking with specialists. Plus, we have networked with specialists in web marketing, building websites, and business consulting suitable for Japanese customers. All services are provided in English. Please feel free to reach out to us through the inquiry form.
